Pennsylvania DOT Rail Transit Safety Review Program - Fixed Guid
IEI participated in the development and implementation of the Pennsylvania DOT's State Safety Oversight Program for Fixed Guideway Systems, an FTA-mandated program. The rail systems included in the program are SEPTA (Philadelphia), PATransit (now PAAC, Pittsburgh), and the Cambria County Transit Authority (CCTA, Johnstown, PA). The work included evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of the System Safety Program Plans; reviews of the operational practices, procedures, and rules for all fixed guideway modes; evaluations of the processes used to document safety-critical procedures; review of emergency operating procedures and plans; and assessments of operational employee training and qualification programs. Among its assignments, Interactive Elements had sole responsibility for the development of the System Security Program Standard. This program was based on earlier safety investigations of Pennsylvania rail transit agencies in which IEI participated, focusing on rail safety.
Agencies Involved: Pennsylvania DOT, PAAC (Pittsburgh), SEPTA (Philadelphia) Areas of Expertise: Railroad Systems and Track, Safety, Transit Operations, Vehicles / Rolling Stock