Safety Investigation of SEPTA and Pittsburgh Transit
IEI, as a subconsultant to ICF Kaiser Engineers (now AECOM), was responsible for the rail safety component of an FTA-sponsored comprehensive safety investigation of two rail transit agencies in Pennsylvania; SEPTA (Philadelphia) and PATransit (now PAAC, Pittsburgh). This included auditing records and practices and inspecting vehicles, facilities, infrastructure, and operations. As well as assessing the current state, IEI developed procedures for self-auditing of safety in the future. This required reviewing system safety program plans and examining existing documentation, including rule books, accident investigation reports, emergency preparedness, training, and employee qualifications. This work led to IEI's subsequent participation in the development and implementation of Pennsylvania DOT's State Safety Oversight Program for Fixed Guideway Systems, an FTA-mandated program.
Agencies Involved: Pennsylvania DOT, PAAC (Pittsburgh), SEPTA (Philadelphia) Areas of Expertise: Railroad Systems and Track, Safety, Transit Operations, Vehicles / Rolling Stock